
ُEvent Technology Platform

Integrated Event Management System

The Future of Event Managment

Best experience for you, your team & your Event visitors

What is Eventech?

Eventtech is an innovative technology system that provides integrated solutions for event organizers from planning, execution and analysis of event data from a single dashboard that covers all the needs of organizing an event, regardless of the size, type or sector of the event in the fastest and easiest way.

How does Eventech improve the event visitor experience?

Eventtech provides a comprehensive view of the event organizer from a single dashboard with reports and graphs for before, during and after the event, which contributes to proactive decision-making to avoid any glitches before they occur.

How do you integrate with other systems?

Yes, you can connect any platform or system to your event’s control panel to be able to track all your event’s operations, create detailed reports as needed

How to monitor Event Vendors and Contractors Execution progress & Delivery time & Quality?

Simply from your Event Dashboard you have life insights about each task progress, status with pictures and Videos so you can save hours of follow up for routine execution

Why should I use Eventech to Operate my Events?

Comprehensive view of all aspects of the event through a single control panel, a dedicated support team available 24/7 to ensure the success of your event. Full customization to meet the needs of each event, no matter how unique. In addition to saving up to half of the event costs and automating many routine tasks and their costs.


Football matches

Football matches

Organizing, managing and controlling an enjoyable and safe experience for the fans of the most popular game in the world.

Festivals & Events

Festivals & Events

Integrated solutions for managing festivals and major events with various needs